EV Express® Dealership Opportunity

EV Express, Inc. is offering an authorized dealership to a selected group of business owners/entrepreneurs who wish to launch a new EV charging business in your area.

Property owners or business managers are welcome to add a new EV Express business to your existing hotel, restaurant, gas station, shops etc. to serve an increasing number of customers who are EV drivers in your community.

The EV Express® charging business will bring more customers to your existing business as well as capturing a new market share of an emerging industry.

EV Express® chargers are suitable for any commercial or public location, and offer a great return on investment with low start-up costs and little on-going maintenance.

As an authorized and exclusive dealer in your territory, you are expected to purchase a minimum number of products in your inventory. Additional shipments can be sent directly to your customers.

EV Express offer exclusive territories to qualified dealers in various cities and states in the United States and Canada. Our EV Express Dealership opportunity offers you the ability to make money while helping the environment.

If you wish to explore a potential EV Express® Dealership Business Opportunity, please complete the online questionnaire below.

All information contained in the online form will be held in the strictest confidence.