AMPTRAN Motor Corporation’s goal is to design and manufacture a long range electric vehicle that can travel up to 900 miles per charge.

Using the Lithium Air Battery we develop in-house that can provide 3-5 times more energy density than that of lithium ion battery, the AMPTRAN will be travel 3 times longer distance than a Tesla Model X with 300 mile range.


The AMPTRAN can be charged quickly using the 350 kW ultra-fast charging station transportation that can charge its battery back from 10% to 80% in 15 minutes.

Our flagship product will be the AMPTRAN Electric SUV, featuring a 255 kWh Lithium Air Nanobattery, which is three times more energy capacity than the 85 kWh battery pack, yet of the same weights (1200 lbs) as of a Tesla Model X.

The Lithium Air Nanobattery is the breakthrough battery developed by our sister company, Lithium Air Industries, Inc. using patented solid state nanomaterials that is more energy efficient, much lighter and safer than lithium ion batteries.

The Lithium Air Nanobattery pack consists of an array of modular units of individual Lithium Air battery cartridges. The cartridge is comprised of millions of very small nanocomposite fibers of 30 to 100 nanometer in diameter and thickness.

In addition, Lithium Air Nanobattery is safer, preventing a potential overheat explosion in many accidents involved lithium ion batteries.

The AMPTRAN electric SUV is under development and will be scheduled for mass production will be announced at a later date.

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